Forgotten Garments in Your Wardrobe

wear all your clothes in your wardrobe

Forgotten garments in your wardrobe equals not enough clothes in our wardrobe. We concluded last time that once we own a large wardrobe, we tend to forget certain items in the back of our closets. Today I share with you a second trick if you are still struggling with the digital wardrobe dossier I proposed as a first trick. I know creating a digital wardrobe dossier takes time and this is why I decided to give you another solution in today’s blog.

A wardrobe rail for your forgotten garments!

This will certainly ease your pain of searching too long in your closet and still not find the right garments. My exercise starts with

1. Choosing one colour from your wardrobe

And then take out all items in your wardrobe in that colour and hang those on your wardrobe rail. Just like I did with my green items.
tricks to wear all your clothes
It will be so easy to create new outfits out of those garments. Nuances of the same colour are almost always a good match in an outfit and you will be amazed on how many outfits you can create this way. As always, it is best to try those outfits on.
What do you think, do you want me to show you how all these green pieces are marvellously matching each other?
forgotten garments in your wardrobe
forgotten garments in your wardrobe forgotten garments in your wardrobe
forgotten garments in your wardrobe
forgotten garments in your wardrobe forgotten items in your wardrobe
tricks to wear all your clothes
forgotten garments in your wardrobe

2. Add some items in neutral colours

Grabbing some neutral pieces from your wardrobe can make this exercise even more successful. Maybe your accessories: a camel brown bag or a grey belt.  Or your shoes: the chocolate brown pair of boots or a copper pair of sneakers. And if you are not sure you want a one-colour outfit, add a black blouse or a beige one. Even so, all of these outfits incorporate the green garments on my wardrobe trail.

Send pictures with your wardrobe trail at 🙂