Wool Garments – How to Care for Them

Wool Garments in Your Wardrobe?

Do you own garments made of wool? If yes, do you know how to care for them?

Wool Shrinkage

I have written before about fibres, but more about their footprint and sustainability. But this time I start from the premises that you already bought a product made of wool, so at this stage it is better to discuss how to extend the life of your product and not to weight anymore on whether you should buy lyocell instead of polyester or cupro instead of silk.

WE HAVE ALL BEEN THERE: that moment when you get your sweater out of the washing machine 3 sizes smaller. And no, it does not always happen because you did not read the label attached to the garment. Wool fiber swells when it becomes wet and then contracts when it dries. This is what causes wool to shrink when you wash in hot water.

Side note: I assume you do check the label whenever you purchase a new garments. But if you do not, you can read here why it is important to start doing it. Even to the despair of the shop assistant if you are shopping in the brick-and-mortar shops.

I want to share some tips for you to avoid this situation. Because seriously now, who like shrinkage?⁠

How to care for your wool clothes

How to care for your wool clothes

How to care for your wool clothes

How to care for your wool clothes

How to care for your wool clothes

How to care for your wool clothes

How to care for your wool clothes

How to Un-shrink Wool Garments

Let’s say you did it. You did not read the instructions on the label or that your cat needed to be fed exactly when you set the program for the washing machine and 2 hours later, there comes your sweater 3 sizes smaller. Now being the owner of a 3 size smaller wool garment that you still keep in your closet not knowing what to do with it, I can help as well!


Wool & Lint

Another annoying thing about wool is that it wool tends to gather around points of friction, creating the lints (or plushes). Why? Just because wool is a natural fabric and it shed as a part of a natural process. Even newer articles of clothing will have short lints that come loose. These little ones can be very annoying, I get you!

BUT I have a tip to make sure you extend the life of your wool clothes and not discard them immediately even if sometimes you will think this is the only option!

How to care for your wool clothes


And maybe you want to watch this video I created for you:

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