The 12 Weeks Outfits Planner Programme

The 12 weeks outfits planner programme is the first step you need to take to create the wardrobe of your dreams! Unlike other stylists, I believe that if you want to change something in your wardrobe, you do not start with decluttering! Decluttering takes a lot of energy and decisions to make: what to keep, what to discard and what to set aside to decide later! But if you are still searching for your style and you are unhappy with your wardrobe, the decision making process will take forever and you will end up unsatisfied. And most probably you will buy more and not that smart because of this unsatisfactory negative feeling.

Like James Clear states in his book Atomic Habits, our brain is wired to conserve our energy whenever possible, so to do the things that are easy and convenient instead of those that take a lot of energy. If you really want to achieve the wardrobe of your dreams, start small, in atomic baby steps, this is the key.

12 weeks outfits planner programmeSo start with the Weekly Outfit Panner you can either download and print it from here and use it as a paper based planner. I like paper-based planners because I work from home and they are always on my desk as a reminder and ritual that I am on the right path to my good habit.

Wishlist delay

And here is also the Shopping Wishlist you can either download it and print it or you can follow the link below to work in Canva if you are familiar with the programme. You saw me in the video working on Canva, it’s fun and easy, no fees needed. Here is the link to these materials.

Also here is the video where you can find more:

I would be happy to hear your opinion on how this programme went for you, any questions you have you can fill the form below to let me know.



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